About Our Animals

The luscious, sweet pastures of Charlton Musgrove grow the majority of the balanced feed, producing quality animals. 

Using the expertise of small local slaughterhouses dramatically reduces stress and enhances carcass quality. Then the beef, veal and lamb carcasses are improved by the all important hanging process which adds to the flavour, texture and tenderness.

Homebred Beef - Aberdeen Angus, Shorthorn & Devon Rubies

We select our Aberdeen Angus heifers for retail sales, however sometimes we use Devon Rubies or Shorthorn. The cattle graze in the pastures from spring through to autumn and are housed at the farmstead during the winter.

Welfare Friendly Rose Veal

Using our dairy bull calves to produce welfare friendly rose veal, we house them in groups of three or more, on loose straw beds, in roomy, airy barns. There are no crates, no light or movement restrictions. They are fed milk and concentrates with barley straw in mangers to assist the all important ‘cudding’ which is how bovines digest their food.

They are slaughtered locally at approximately 8 months old. The meat is pink, succulent and tender. With no welfare issues to worry about it is a delicious easy-cooking option.

Gloucester Old Spot Pork

The pigs are fed on the best proprietary food and a spot of milk! We purchase the piglets at about 8 - 10 weeks of age from various small holders, who keep them in a free range system. When they come to us they live in traditional sty’s with straw beds and outside pens.

Using English slow growing breeds of pigs, in particular the Gloucester Old Spot, the pork is sweet with just the right amount of fat to assist flavour and cooking. The crackling is something else!

Lamb, Hogget & Mutton

These meats are available through our partnership with various members of the family and local farmers. During the autumn/winter months we have ewes and lambs on the farm to utilise the grazing and assist in improving our pastures.

Chickens, Cockerels & Ducks

Our chickens and ducks are sourced for us locally. We use slow growing breeds which enhance flavour and texture. Being free range the poultry can exhibit natural behaviour. The resulting meat is a cut above the rest, being deep flavoured and is of good texture. You will certainly notice the difference.

Ducks Eggs

Ducks eggs which are recognised for their rich flavour and excellent cooking quality are laid by our Khaki Campell and Silver Appleyard Ducks.

Free Range Turkeys

We use Bronze Norfolk Black and traditional white Free-Range turkeys. We purchase our day olds poults from Kelly Bronze Hatcheries. From day one our chicks are traditionally reared in roomy straw barns, then at approx 6 weeks old they have access to range the pastures. They are fed on a special diet formulated for traditional slow growing breeds using NO growth promoters or additives.

Our turkeys are killed on the farm by licensed slaughter men, dry plucked and hung to improve flavour and texture. They are hand prepared ready for the table using our licensed premises. Although we specialise in the Christmas market we are now able to offer whole birds, portions and turkey escalopes throughout the year.


We grow our free range geese on grass in our newly planted orchard. The geese are prepared for the Christmas Market, early ordering essential to avoid disappointment.

Dairy Cows

Pedigree British Friesians, Dairy Shorthorns and British Holsteins make up our mixed herd. The farm produces 1.5 million litres of top quality milk annually from our rich grassland in the Blackmore Vale plus our home produced forage.

Cheese production in Somerset is renowned the world over. The majority of our milk is sold to Wyke Farms Ltd who make farmhouse cheese and butter available in our shop.

Milk is also sold to Somerset Dairies who pasteurise and bottle our milk, we offer it whole, semi-skimmed and skimmed, plus single and double and clotted cream. Unpasturised milk direct from the farm with all its recognised qualities is only available at the farm shop and farmers markets.


Farming the same land for 300 years